Welcome to Altona & Altona North!
By The McArthurs Park Team on March 15, 2017

Altona & Altona North are named after Altona, a suburb of Hamburg in Germany.
The median house price in Altona in Q2 2016 is $825,000 (Valuer General Victoria) LINK to Dec 2017/18 Valuer General Report
Altona is only 13km from the Melbourne CBD & ports, 20 minutes drive from the major airports and has extensive bay side beach access to Port Phillip Bay.
As one of the highest capital growth regions in Melbourne in recent years, the Altona & Altona North area is a thriving multi cultural hub for over 13,000 residents & small businesses. There are many significant major manufacturing & energy businesses operating in Altona providing extensive employment opportunities for local residents.
Altona North is bounded by the West Gate Freeway in the north, a line that runs north-south to the west of New Street, a line that runs north-south to the west of Charlotte Street, Mason Street, Blenheim Road and a line that traverses around the western boundary of Bayside Secondary College in the east, the railway line, Kororoit Creek Road and a line that runs north-south to the east of Ganton Court in the south, and Kororoit Creek in the west.
Development of the area dates primarily from the 1950s, with much of the housing constructed during the 1960s. The population declined slightly between 1991 and 2006, and then increased slightly between 2006 and 2011 as new dwellings were added to the area.
Major features of the area include Altona Gate Shopping Centre, Automotive manufacturing, energy processing & storage, Altona Lakes Golf Course, Paisley Park, A. W. Bond Reserve, A. W. Langshaw Reserve, G. J. Hosken Reserve, Harris Reserve, J. J. Ginifer Reserve, P. J. Lynch Reserve, R. J. Cooper Reserve, S. J. Clement Reserve, W. L. J. Crofts Reserve, Altona Miniature Railway and several schools.
Specific Demographic details are available via this LINK
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